Beauty - The Mother of Courage

 A few days ago I tuned in to listen to an interview with trends forecaster, Gerald Celente. The conversation momentarily turned toward the beautiful environment Gerald has created within his office. He quoted a friend, saying, "Beauty is the antidote to fear." Of course anyone who is mapping economic and social trends in today's world is going to need courage. He created the office environment intentionally, both because he loves beauty, and because it is transformative - it changes energy, taking us from mind to heart.

The first question for us to consider is, how do we seek out beauty? We seek out beauty however we must! Years ago when I first moved to the heart of Chicago's inner city, I was in shock. My thoughts were: "There is no beauty here... there is no nature, no flowers, nothing but lifeless gray! How can the people survive?" There are places where beauty must be sought within the depths . For me, the inner beauty of the people surviving in such oppression surfaced first in the music.

There was a moment when I realized that the heart can reach a divine state that even life-long assault cannot destroy. That insight was a gift from saxophonist Sonny Stitt. I remember sitting close to the stage in a Chicago jazz club when Sonny took his solo straight into the realms of heaven. When it was over he must have recognized what he had done to the audience. He chuckled and said, "The stage is my pulpit."

So, the next question is, what does beauty do for us? It changes our thoughts, and our thoughts change our energy. I'm sure you've noticed that certain tones of voice, certain images and certain sounds can put you into a state of fear, anxiety, self pity, aggression and so forth while others can give you comfort, trust in the human heart, a reconnection with spirit, and a subtle energy shift. We're living in a time of collapse and renewal. The collapse is subsumed in fear - the 'us and them' war. The renewal gives us clarity, connectedness, and discernment.

If you are dwelling in fear you may want to use discernment with regard to incoming messages. Now I'm not saying you should avoid fear by ignoring what's going on and listen to beautiful music instead I wasn't ignoring the world while listening to Gerald Celente. I was looking for information outside of the fear-based propaganda that is called news. What you want is truth. Add to that a dash of right guidance from within, and you can act. Yes, even Gerald can scare the bejeezus out of you, but remember, ignorance isn't the mother of courage... beauty is.

Once you are informed, if you're in a heavy place mentally, get up and open the window. Let some breeze in to clear your head. Look at the sky and actually think about the beauty that you're seeing. Listen to the sounds of the birds or of children playing. Know that there will be times of adversity and your courage and tenacity will be needed. Ask for right guidance. Then put on some music with a really good beat and dance. You can deal with challenges, both small and great, when your head is clear, your heart is open and your body can move.

The darker the time gets, the more light we generate, the more truth becomes our banner, the more our hearts connect. Believe it - it's clearly happening. The renewal promises a vast and intimately connected natural state. Go to nature, walk under the sun, watch the stream, rest with the trees as often as you can, and be reminded - life has given you so much.

How do we create beauty for ourselves and others? First of all, we don't have to be fine artists to create beauty. I know you feel the difference when you enter an orderly space, as opposed to a disorderly or cluttered space. You know immediately that someone, some other human being, took the time and used their energy to create order, to place things carefully here and there, to refresh and renew, and that is beautiful. Create order with your personal appearance as well. Dress in a cared for manner even when you are all alone, and at home. It helps with courage... you know this is true.

Your own spirit can be the most beautiful gift of all. Your tenderness toward others, your generosity, your authenticity, your respect, your smile, your kind word, your 'vibe'. The vibration of your energy is a real thing - it can draw friends toward you and direct away from you those that would cause harm.

The dedication of the artist is to their own inner spirit and its connection to the life force: it is an outstanding devotion. We cannot deny that the time we are living in is tumultuous. It requires that we pull something forth from within us, and that we all become the artist, devoted to the renewal of life. Now keep your heart up, and let's carry on!


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