Surround Yourself With Beauty
If you could adhere to one guideline in your life, which would produce the highest quality results, what would that be? The answer is, to surround yourself with beauty. This does not just mean going out and buying new furniture and beautiful ornaments for your home, it also includes every aspect of your life. Beauty not only gives pleasure to your senses, it also exalts your heart and spirit. Pure beauty is divine and holds the highest vibration that we may experience in the Third Dimension, therefore, the more beauty we have in our life, the higher our vibration and stronger our connection to Source will be. The easiest way to begin is to take a look around your home, your workspace or your car, what do you see? Does it give you pleasure or do you notice something that you would rather change? Of course, the first thing you must do is get rid of clutter, but we all know tha. Clutter can never be beautiful. So, after you've gotten rid of the mess and clean the place up, what do y...